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Ashun Sound Machines Hydrasynth Desktop, hand twisting performance macro

64 Expertly Crafted Presets

64 exceptional sounds that will be sure to inspire your next productions. All sounds are crafted by James Orvis who has over 13+ years of experience as a professional sound designer for major synth, preset and sample brands.
Ashun Sound Machines Hydrasynth Desktop, hand twisting knob

Ultra Expressive Macros

Each preset has eight easy-to-use performance macros. Whether you wish to create evolving arrangements or exciting live performances, the macros are the ultimate tool that will elevate your sound!
Ableton midi piano roll view

Bonus: 64 Midi Clips

These can be used for inspiration or as a tool to quickly demo each sound. Feel free to manipulate these clips and make them your own, you can also combine the clips with different presets to make them instantly unique.
Ashun Sound Machines Hydrasynth Desktop, James Orvis studio, purple lighting, focal solo 6be speakers

Improve Your Skills

The preset pack is full of advanced sound design techniques that sonically push the Hydrasynth. Deconstruct the presets and discover a goldmine of tricks that will inspire you to adopt them in your sound design journeys.
Hydrasynth Presets Vol1 Artwork

Get Instant Access To:

  • James Orvis Hydrasynth Presets Vol.1

  • 64 expertly crafted presets

  • All presets have 8 performance macros

  • BONUS: 64 accompanying midi clips

  • Email support

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! The presets have been designed on the Desktop model but they will work with all ASM Hydrasynth models.

10 x Bass

10 x Lead

10 x Plucks

10 x Pad

10 x Sequence

7 x Arp

7 x Effects

I believe in quality over quantity, each preset took between 1-2 hours to make due to the advanced programming involved in the modulation matrix and macros. Rather than just offering 'sounds' I wanted to present a special pack that could be used easily in productions and live performances by shaping the 8 macros. The price fairly reflects the hours and experience involved in creating this pack and will allow me to create more tools for passionate producers in the near future.

No, you don’t have to create an account.

You will be added to my mailing list upon purchase to receive future updates and offers. If you wish to unsubscribe please feel free to do so by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of any of the emails that I send out.

Unfortunately not, each download purchase made is a license for the customer listed on the receipt.

I publish these courses, presets and sample packs at affordable prices, in the hopes of not pricing anyone out as I know how hard it is to follow this career path.

By being a good egg and supporting me properly (not sharing content downloads etc), it will allow me to create even more content to help you all make better music :)

© 2022 James Orvis. All rights reserved.